Photographic Keepsake AlbumsTuscany 12x12=$700 10x10=$575 8x8=$525
Panoramic picture designs
Faux Leather album cover
24 sides (2 ½ pano and 8 full pano pages) $50 each additional full pano page
Almost invisible gutter
Leather or Picture album cover add-$50
Parent’s Album 5x5=$225 (Can only be ordered as replica)
Press Albums10x10 $200 8x8=$175 5x5=$135
Panoramic Picture designs
Hinged pages that lay flat
Fabric, Faux Leather, or Photo album cover
14 sides (2 ½ pano and 6 full pano pages)
Additional pages--$30 per full pano
Guestbook Album 10x10 $40 for cover + $5 per page 8 page minimum